It is not surprising that reentry was bumpy. When you fly, the pilot often reminds you to buckle for those last few minutes, since there can be turbulence. It is not a reflection of his or her ability, it is simply what happens when a plane returns to earth.
Benjamin did a great job
with the multitude of sounds and surprises that show up when you travel across the country, and spend three days in a simulating environment. He kept up with a fast pace, and the barrage of sensations of being in Disneyland. But when he arrived home after a super early departure, and delays in the airport, and minimal snacks on the flight, he was grouchy. I don't blame him one bit.
Rather than letting it sour an otherwise epic vacation, I held it as the
turbulence that comes when we return to earth.
Anne of Green Gables expressed it well, when she said that she loved to "fly on the wings of anticipation, even if it did end with a thud."
Fortunately, there was no thud when Benjamin's plane landed, and we are all grateful for the wings that
carried him back to us.