Neither of my parents used hearing aids. They had other lacks when it comes to physical abilities, like my father's oxygen tank, and my mother's hemoglobin of 5.
But people I care about have been blessed by these small devices that snuggle into the ear canal and are barely noticeable. The technology has made significant advances,
such that they can be adjusted by a cell phone. One person described the ability to pivot the input in the direction of the person you are listening to. One woman told me that they can learn to capture a certain voice, sort of like how my phone has a fingerprint sensor. How about that?
In a crowded room, hearing aids can filter out background noise, and of course the volume is adaptable.
I lived with poor hearing for most of my
life, and know the loneliness of silence. As a little girl, my friends had to be patient, and lean in for me to know what they said. A physician restored my sense, by rebuilding the eardrum. I am grateful every day.
It occurred to me that the version of synthetic hearing, a la hearing aids, offers options. With the slide of a fingertip, someone can block out the clatter of dishes, and the hiss of a motor.
What would happen if I
could limit the noise of negative thoughts? Adjust the volume of criticism flying through the room? Maybe I could learn the sound of God's voice, and swivel my head to listen?