The channel Off the Left Eye sometimes asks questions. Readers weigh in on their opinions and experience, and it is fascinating. A recent one inquired what ways of serving others bring people joy. A stream of generosity flowed from a hundred strangers I will never meet, but that I already like. My picture of heaven
includes such opportunities, to be of help to neighbors in meaningful ways. I love that people are already in training.
Last week, the question was about anger.
"Have you been told in the past that God is angry with you, and that He will be angry if you do not measure up?"
Two to one, responders admitted that they had. My heart ached. I had no idea, having most of my religious training from my father,
whose ministry was one of mercy. I have little fear of being shamed, or rejected by God. Yes, I need to obey the commandments, but it is because that will keep me and others safe. It is not to appease a demanding Father.
The word reprimand is too prickly to describe how my parents guided me. I have no recollection of being grounded, or scolded. When I was slumping into selfishness, my father would softly cry, which got an immediate result. Making him sad was
I wish I could say that John and I never raised our voices with our own kids, but I can't. I pray that they have gentle memories mixed in there too with the gnarly ones.
Years ago, John did a class on the Ten Good Things about Atheism. One point. which has lingered these many years, is that rejecting the notion of a vengeful God is actually a step in the right