I used to pursue quilting skills. When I belonged to a guild thirty years ago there was a parade of creative women and men who came to our meetings and inspired us. They offered workshops on new techniques, and I threw open my checkbook.
But when my twins arrived, hobbies took a hiatus, while my attention went toward keeping
everyone fed. Somewhere along the way, everyone moved out and mothering became superfluous. I forgot to go back to learning.
Last weekend I took a class in longarm quilting. It was pretty fun. The teacher did a terrific job of both modeling her smooth stitch lines, and inviting me to try. Mine were more like noodles than cursive script. Still, I started to get the hang of it, and I think my quilts will reflect it.
There were other
seasons when I made the effort to learn in other areas. John and I attended homeschool conferences, La Leche League events, and marriage weekends. The influx of energy revitalized me.
Yet if I am honest, that intention to progress has waned. It takes effort to do more than coast. Maybe this fresh direction will jumpstart me in other ways as well.